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Герои книги "Медисон Финн"!

Сообщений 41 страница 60 из 77


Analiza написал(а):

да ты что?похоже еще как!!

спасибо,но тут правда эйми как пафосная чика)



бабочками по венам написал(а):

спасибо,но тут правда эйми как пафосная чика)

нормальная эйм)
никакая не чика.и тем более не пафосная.



Ребят, а  как звали такую девчонку из медисон финн полную и которая хорошо поёт? http://s47.radikal.ru/i115/1006/93/cc945848a49b.gif



Вайпер написал(а):

Ребят, а  как звали такую девчонку из медисон финн полную и которая хорошо поёт?

Линдси Фрост



Спасибо! http://s48.radikal.ru/i119/1006/f8/e09558117a27.gif



нашла в википедии про МФ инфу)
надеюсь инглиш понимаете. если нет-переводчик вам в помощь  ;)
так круто, кличка Уолтера(Мозг) в оригинале - EGG
а Центровая BIGWHEELS..)
From the Files of Madison Finn
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Files of Madison Finn are stories of a seventh grader's life that deals with boys, friends, enemies, and drama connected with technology by Laura Dower.

This series is about a 12-year-old girl named Madison Finn, who lives in the fictional town of Far Hills in New York. Madison is the daughter of Francine and Jeff Finn, who are divorced. The series starts shortly after the events of the divorce. Madison is just like any other average 12-year-old girl. She worries about school, her best friends Aimee Gillespie and Fiona Waters, her crush on Hart Jones, and her constant rivalry with former friend, Ivy Daly. To get through it all she writes files on her computer, which acts as a sort of diary. There are currently 22 books in the series, including three super specials, which are slightly longer than the usual books and deal with certain special events in Madison's life, such as her dad's remarriage. Madison can be mean towards Ivy (and vice versa) in a few of the books, but in the end she is a nice, kind, caring, and loveable 12-year-old girl.

Madison Finn The main character of the series. It is obvious that her favorite color is orange as she has an orange laptop that she usually carries with her and writes her files on. She like to write on her laptop of what happened that day. She has a pug named Phineas T. Finn. Madison lives with her mother who is divorced from Madison's father previously before the first book. Madison is known to be shy, not a fan of public speaking and shows great care for animals. Later in the series she volunteers at the Far Hills Animal Shelter where her friend Dan Ginsburg and his mother volunteer. Madison writes files on her computer which act as her diary where she writes about what is currently going on in her life, her parent's divorce, her crush on Hart Jones and her enemy Ivy Daly. Madison is described as being a normal weight and has green eyes and brown hair.She is also a very dramanited kid, she also whats to help her friends and make everything else too.

Ivy Daly Nicknamed Poison Ivy by Madison and her friends, Ivy is a girl with red hair and a snobbish attitude who is Madison, Aimee and Fiona's enemy. She once was Madison's best friend, but the two soon turned into enemies when Ivy changed after coming back from summer camp and suddenly thought she was better than Madison. She is usually Madison's lab partner but she rarely does her own work, preferring to copy Madison's. She considered Hart her boyfriend in the earlier books but it is obvious that Hart has no feelings for her. Ivy has two best friends, Joan (whom Madison and her friends call "Phoany Joanie") and Rose (called Rose Thorn). It is told in the book, Keep It Real, that Ivy's mother is diagnosed with breast cancer. The status of her mother after that is unknown. She is beautiful with long curly red hair and green eyes.

Aimee Anne Gillespie Aimee has been friends with Madison ever since they were born (mentioned in Boy Oh Boy!, book #2 in the series). She is thin and blonde, and loves to dance ballet, stating that she is planning on being a professional ballerina when she grows up. She practices daily, sometimes even going before school to practice. Aimee is known to be blunt and sometimes mean, but she is usually quick to apologize afterwords. Aimee loves to gossip, but would never betray her friends. She is also very afraid of water: when they were little, she fell in the water and never came up until a minute after. Aimee was diagnosed with anorexia in the book, Picture Perfect after she fainted and is battling her constant thinking she is fat. Aimee is a committed vegetarian and is always on diets, constantly believing she is overweight. She is very thin with wavy blonde hair.

Bigwheels Madison's keypal. It is revealed that her real name is Victoria, but preferring to go by Vicki. She and Madison often email one another, telling each others problems to the other. Later, Madison finds out that Bigwheels' little brother Eddie has Autism.
Fiona Waters Fiona moved to Far Hills from California. She has a twin brother, named Chet. In the first book of the series, she and Madison become friends, but later Fiona tries to befriend Ivy. At the end she realizes that Ivy is just plain mean and goes back to Madison. She, Madison and Aimee become fast close friends and is one of Madison's BFF's. Fiona is shown to have an immense talent in soccer. In the series, Fiona and Madison's friend Walter "Egg" Diaz, both have crushes on one another and later are supposedly 'going out'. She is pretty with long dark hair dark skin and brown eyes.

Walter "Egg" Diaz is Madison's male friend. He got his nickname when an egg was thrown at his face when he was younger. Egg is only called Walter by his mom (and Fiona early in the series). It becomes obvious that he and Fiona Waters have a crush on one another and are supposedly 'going out' later in the series. Egg is described as annoying, loud and loves to make fun of his friends and pull jokes. He also the groups' computer whiz along with Drew Maxwell. Egg, along with most of the guys in the group, plays hockey and his mother teaches Spanish at the groups' school.
Hart Jones Madison's crush throughout the series and also cousins with Drew Maxwell. At first it was thought that Hart liked Ivy, but later it becomes apparent that his crush was on Madison all along. Hart plays hockey along with most of guys in the group. He is known to be the cutest boy in the seventh grade at Far Hills Junior High (the school where Madison and her friends attend). It is revealed that in 2nd grade Madison sluagged Hart. Like most boys, he enjoys sports, pulling pranks, along with skateboarding. He is tall with dark hair and sometimes wears glasses.

Chet Waters Fiona Waters' twin. He is considered "annoying" by Fiona and the other girls. Chet at first seems to have a crush on Ivy, but later falls for Madison' Indian friend, Madhur towards the end of the series.
Drew Maxwell Drew is Hart's cousin. He is the quiet one of the group, also the richest one out of them all. It is evident that he likes Madison, despite the fact that he gets a girlfriend in the middle of the series. He also asked Madison to the school's Heart 2 Heart dance but she immediately turned him down in hopes that Hart would ask her instead. Drew is known for his extremely extravagant parties and having virtually anything he wants. But despite that he is very down to earth and does not flaunt his riches.

Dan Ginsburg Dan is one of Madison's other guy friends. In the fifth grade, most kids called him "Pork-o" because he ate everyone's food when they were done. He works as a volunteer at the veterinary clinic with Madison. Around the middle of the series, he admitted to having a crush on Madison and being her secret admirer but she did not recipocate his feelings. Later he ends up with Madison's friend Lindsay Frost instead.

Lindsay Frost Lindsay becomes one of Madison's friends in the series. Madison had known her since first grade, but never really knew her well. She was first featured in the 3rd book, Play It Again, as the girl who had an incredible voice, but was very shy. Her parents were going to be divorced, but it was never mentioned after the 20th book, All That Glitters.

Madhur Singh Becomes Madison's newest friend at the end of the series. She and her family were from India. Madison had seen her in class but never knew her until the 22nd book, All Shook Up. She admitted to liking Hart Jones, but gave up on him when she found out accidentally that Madison and Hart were going out. In the end, she ended up with Chet Waters.

последний герой из последних книг.. так что мы его не знаем(
точнее её



Ого! Папа Медисон женился)))
Блин, хоооочу эти книжки! :) На русском!!! Ну почему их нет? А можно как - нить до издательства до стучатся? Хотя, почему я такая глупая... :) Эххх...



Нэйтири написал(а):

Блин, хоооочу эти книжки!  На русском!!! Ну почему их нет? А можно как - нить до издательства до стучатся? Хотя, почему я такая глупая...  Эххх...

да. жаль, что их нет((
у нас думаю до издательства достучаться не выйдет :D  (
остаётся лишь надеяться..
хотя, может они вообще забили? или по одной книге раз в два года буду выпускать
когда нам будет по 30, прочитаем все  :D



странница написал(а):

когда нам будет по 30, прочитаем все  :D

Точно  :D Еще и нашим детям достанется...

странница написал(а):

хотя, может они вообще забили? или по одной книге раз в два года буду выпускать

Скорее всего забили ... :(



да блин, хоть на английском купить)

у меня, кстати, Харт переводится как Олень)))



Да это издательство реально тормозит :D Я уже все 15 книжек про Медди прочитала!
Когда же будет продолжение.....?



Da`N`Za написал(а):

у меня, кстати, Харт переводится как Олень)))

И у меня :)



Da`N`Za написал(а):

да блин, хоть на английском купить)

Да!Согласна!Я даже буду не против английских книжек!!!Перевести не проблема,главное,чтоб желание было))



судя по английским книгам, у Харта тёмные волосы)
и нравится ему всё-таки не Айви, а Медди) с начальных классов
просто мы как остановились на 15 книге, так дальше событий и не знаем..

инфа из википедии)



А там на русском?Или как?



Romantik написал(а):

А там на русском?Или как?

на английском
прокрути эту тему вверх, я это копировала)



Может можно по Интернету заказать?

Куплю за любые деньги)



Da`N`Za написал(а):

Может можно по Интернету заказать?
            Куплю за любые деньги)




вы так спрашивается, будто инетрнетом вообще не пользуетесь)
заходите на eBay
там есть куча подержаных, но есть и новые. в мою страну только не поставляются. только парочка.
выходит недёшево. доставка дороже в пару раз, чем книга. плюс с нового года в Латвии ввели тупой налог, тип + 20% стоимости покупки нужно ещё оплачивать. если товар не из ЕС. а там книги из Америки



главные герои английской книги:


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